Monday, April 28, 2008

...and the next thing I knew I was back in Germany

Damn. My vacation to California lasted around 216 hours but it felt like less than 3. Don't get me wrong, I'm fine to be back in the land of Liederhosen and carbohydrates but I can't say enough how much I enjoyed being home in the Golden State and the US. Nearly a year and a half passed since I last visited CA and it allowed me to "rediscover" the place I once called home. Here are some random observations, both good and bad, in no special order:

1. You can't beat the colors of California...things such as the flowers, the clothing, the people...all of these seemed so much more vibrant under the California sunshine.

2. The smog was burning my eyes. I always thought people were joking about this but it's true. I think I never really noticed it when I lived there.

3. The hefeweisen in CA doesn't even come close to that in Germany

4. I never seen so many Toyota Priuses in my life. Before I left, I only saw a few on the road. This time around, seemingly every other person had one. At 3.85 a gallon for the cheap stuff, it's no wonder why they do it.

5. Things like seeing friends and family, going to a Dodger game, visiting Santa Barbara, throwing a baptism party for Baby Luke, watching a movie in Burbank, sitting on a beach in Newport, eating real Mexican food, etc can really make one not want to leave.

It's true: Absence definitely makes the heart grow fonder.

Fortunately, the weather got a lot better here in Germany upon my arrival. Looks like I brought the sunshine back with me. I took full advantage! More to come in the next posting...

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