Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Forget San Francisco. We left our heart in Ireland!

Strolling across O'Connell Bridge. Cruising Grafton Street. Eating corned beef and cabbage at O'Neill's. Touring Trinity. It was all part of our Ireland experience last weekend. Foturnately for us, we were there for what the Irish Times claimed was their three days of summer. Unfortunately for the UK and Ireland, this has been a soggy summer. No rain for us!

While our trip to Dublin was full of places to see, we found the Irish people to be the main attraction. Sure, all of the places I listed above were great, the friendly and easy-going people of the Emerald Isle captured our hearts. I went to a pub on Sat PM to listen to a "Seisun" of traditional Irish music and noticed a sign above the bar that read, "There are no strangers here...Just friends we haven't met yet." This sign captured the essence of the Irish way. What a welcomed departure from Germany and France. Oh yeah. The fact they spoke Englished helped too.

More to come later. Before too long, I am going to recruit Jen to post a message or two on this blog.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.