Ah, it's so nice to be back in the USA! Even though I'm stuck here in Montgomery, Alabama for the time being, it's still home. Montgomery isn't all bad though. Yes, Maxwell AFB is in a bad neighborhood but the place more than makes up for it with it's sweet tea, friendly people, and incredible history. History buffs will recall that Montgomery was the first capital of the Confederacy, the home of MLK's church, and the launching pad for the civil rights movement derived from Rosa Park's refusal to give up her seat on a city bus. I stumbled across many historical markers that commenorated these events when I took a four hour "urban hike" through downtown.
Montgomery is also home to Maxwell AFB. Maxwell is close to a site where the Wright brothers established America's first flying school. Maxwell is also home Air University--the school I'm currently attending. It was here where airpower ledgends in the making such as Spatz, Lemay and Fairchild devised the aerial war plans to bring down Nazi Germany. It's a great feeling to walk in the footsteps of these heroes. Who knows; maybe the fifty years from now people will look back with pride at the work my colleages and I have done here at Maxwell. Is this history in the making? Only time will tell.
On a different note, Christmas is coming and I couldn't be more excited to spend it with friends and family in sunny California. Last year we spent Christmas in Germany and even though we had some family in town, it simply wasn't the same. This Chirstmas promises to be a great one. I haven't left all of Germany behind, however. I did manage to pack some Gluwein, hefeweisen, and other German goodies for all of us to enjoy. Only ten days to go!